Hi again!
I hope the first month of the year has been good to you. For me, a fresh start meant trying something new, so I created a mini series of eight 15 x 15 cm pieces, experimenting and playing around with some different techniques and colours. The series is titled “Trick of the Light.” I also painted a 59.4 x 42 cm piece using every other colour that I have been neglecting for months. January 16th marks one year since Anthony and I left our life in Lombok behind us and I felt like painting a piece to remember all those unforgettable sunset surfs with friends.
Four out of eight minis are off to their new homes. “Departure” is available and looking for an owner.
For more information, please contact me. I am in the process of reorganising my website so I will add new work to the blog for now, until that's all done!
Have a lovely week.
x Zee