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  • Writer's pictureZee


After a week of quality Christmas time with family & friends in The Netherlands, I am back in Cornwall just in time to celebrate the end of 2018 with a fun surf! I hope you've all had wonderful holidays with your loved ones too.

I probably say it every year, but 2018 in particular has been quite a wild one, with lots of major lifestyle changes and shifts in priorities, some forced upon and some by choice - all leading to where I am apparently supposed to be right now, for now. Even the lowest low turned into something beautiful. I can look back with a full and satisfied heart. It was a year of many firsts; getting my first barrel in Indonesia; having my first art exhibition in Australia; signing my first art studio contract in England; the first time not having a 'day job' on the side; the first time living in Europe since I left five years ago; for the first time I feel like I am moving forward again. Oh and I also became the godmother of my gorgeous nephew! It seems that 2018 has been an impactful one for many people close to me. I hope all of us have become more resilient - in the end it isn't about what happens to us, it is about how we deal with it. I am so excited to see what 2019 has in store. I know a few things for sure: I'll keep creating and I'm booking a flight somewhere tropical very soon. Thank you all for the support, it has been positively overwhelming and motivating. Thank you for buying, appreciating and sharing my work. Thanks to all other artists for their courage by putting their work out there for the world to see. You inspire me. Below are a few snaps of some of my work of this past year. I wish you all the happiness & health for 2019. x Zee

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