
Feb 25, 2021


Updated: Mar 11, 2023

Hey all!

I hope you are well. I'm just stopping by to share some exciting stuff I've been working on lately. But first, a quick little backstory.

When I was working at the Banyu shaping bay in Lombok a few years ago, I found another chick online who was actually shaping and glassing boards in France. Marion is the woman behind Surfista Surfboards, based in Seignosse. I immediately fell in love with her work because she is not afraid to use bold colours, fabric inlays, and adding lots of personality to her custom boards. Plus, the fact that she is a female shaper makes her stand out in a boys' industry. We've been chatting and following each other's journeys for a few years now...

Last Summer I was hoping to fly to France to meet her for an in-person collab, but we were both really busy and things were kicking off pretty badly with Covid, so we held it off for the forseeable future. A couple months later at the beginning of 2021, I was dreaming up some goals and ideas for the year, particularly thinking of rad women I'd love to merge magic with. And Marion's name popped into my head again.

She was totally up for my proposal so we've been planning this one-of-a-kind rideable art collaboration.

I'm here to show you some studio scenes and previews of the artwork I've been working on recently which will be featured on the board. For all the retro lovers - the board will be a fish. The original artwork will be available to purchase soon as well.

OH and here's some cute shots of Charlie, my landlords' dog who visits me every day without fail in the studio.